37 thoughts on “Christopher Titus Foose 56′ Chevy

  1. Bob

    Beautiful 56, another Foose work of art. I do the engine control software and tuning for the Ramjet 350 and 502 and high end marine engines, if he wants another 50hp from tuning and getting the air/fuel ratios perfect, hit me up.

  2. Lew

    Love the CarCast (and the AceCast)! Let’s here ’em! When you go out to the lot to talk about the “guest car” please light it up. I know the audio may not be able to translate the audio faithfully, but I for one would like to hear those awseome cars.

    1. CarCast Post author

      Sorry about not having Titus fire up the car. The we forgot, but we are all over it now and on the check list! We caught it for the Datsun 610 and will have more of that for you.

  3. Mike

    Love the car cast, but the cameraman gave me blueballs.

    Cameraman: please move in and show us the interior of these cars. Chip Foose prides himself on the small details of every car he makes. Titus even gestured you to take a look at the shift knob, and you just stood there.

  4. Broseph

    I really enjoy the CarCast. I have to agree I wouldn’t mind a closure look at the interiors. Great work though.

  5. Ceramics Major

    Love the CarCast, and I agree with the comments about looking at the interior.

  6. Antonio

    Yo!! Donny!!! WTF!! at the end a freaking close up on the shift knob. Hes talking about how special it is and evens pulls away so you can take a shot and what do you do? Yo freaking stay put.

  7. Bucky

    LOVE the car cast!! I am a car enthusiast also and was agreeing with everything you guys have been saying. I happen to be restoring an extremely rare car myself right now. Its not what many would expect… Vintage Japanese.Its what I can afford and has been my dream car since I was a kid. Its been to the Carlisle Import Car Show ( Carlisle PA) last year and was featured…in original condition. I would say what it is but I know you would laugh.
    Keep doing this podcast! Its finally one thats not only educational but entertaining also!

  8. Troy

    Love the show, love Adams A cups there in the first photo. When he gets to B’s, he’s going in the spank bank.

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