For this weeks Featured car… well it’s not one of Adam’s! The CarCast crew head out to the Palos Verdes Car show and Adam and the Professor pick up with Kevin Oliver of Bowman Motors to talk a look at one of the most interesting vintage race cars made, the Maserati Tipo 61 the ‘Birdcage’.
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Quick Link to Gail Banks Sidewinder S10
Quick Link to Doug Benson’s First Car
Good banter, but the best part is the guy with the beard that keeps doing ‘takes’ at them. Snobby rich guy still wants to get in the shot like he’s on the Today show. Could have been played by Bill Murray.
Great sound quality on this one. I think you have it.
Keep up the great work and education. I am starting to feel really stupid for selling my 1976 Porsche Turbo 930 for $18K 6 years ago; now that I know how much the market for rare cars has picked up. But I am inspired to go on the hunt again thanks to the all the great car talk.
Suggestion for you. How about a new segment discussing a certain automotive part, concept, theory, etc? For example, you mention bias ply tires–some people don’t know what they are, why they’re not widely used anymore or what replaced them. Some more examples–the heel toe method, aluminum versus steel in construction of engine, chassis, and body, syncro-mesh. Each segment could be 1 or 2 minutes.